How can we keep building new ways to encourage healthy collaboration between groups despite numerous barriers?

I’m drawn to the power of serendipity in making connections between groups. I think that serendipitous connections have a magic about them that make the connection feel more authentic and precious. It’s not that formal channels for making connections don’t work. There just seems to be an energy to connections that form through serendipity. In terms of the “how” of making connections, there’s an idea that we can increase our serendipity surface area by not only sharing our ideas online but also by actively promoting them through multiple channels (like cold emails, social networks). The promotion is where the writer can make targeted connections to the people and organizations that they most want to connect with because the promotion becomes a wrapper to the original piece that shows how the original writing connects with the identity and mission of the other party.

This is a big question that I’d love to keep exploring in specific contexts because every group has its unique barriers.