I found myself unsure of what to read today. I read a few newsletters in my inbox from Isabel, Emily Oster, and Ted Gioia but did not find myself resonating with any of them enough to dedicate this daily note to them. I also read Chapter 2 of Mathematics for Human Flourishing, and while I found it nice, it was just nice. Not that nice is bad. Nice is…nice. My hope with these daily seeds is to find daily inspiration, but maybe my expectations for inspiration were just too high.

I’ve also been putting “Digital gardening” as the first item on my action items list every morning. Does it need to be first? By putting it first, I make sure that it happens all the days that I schedule it (which generally is all weekdays and days that I’m not parenting all day). I’d like to try waiting until some interesting thought pops into my head during the day and journal on that. Or maybe I can note that interesting thought and note it as the seed for tomorrow’s writing.